Johnny Appleseed Memorial


38345 Marietta Rd. (SR 821)  |  Dexter City, OH   45727

 The legendary Johnny Appleseed has roots in Noble County, believe it or not. His family owned a homestead one quarter mile south of Dexter City on S.R. 821. Although he never lived here, he visited often. Parley Chapman, his half-brother and his family are buried nearby in a family cemetery on the hill above this monument. The memorial is made from small rocks donated from people all along the route over which Johnny passed. It reads: “Without a hope of recompense, without a thought of pride. John Chapman planted apple trees and preached, and lived and died.”

In 1805, Nathaniel Chapman, Johnny’s father settled along Duck Creek, near present day Dexter City, with his second wife and their 10 children. Johnny helped this family get settled and it is known that Johnny regularly visited his step siblings, who remained in the area. Johnny’s last known visit came in 1842.

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